Sunday, May 24, 2009

New Baby Girl

Sorry it has taken me so long to get this post up. I am still getting used to having a new baby girl. It has been 5 years since we had a baby in our home. We are excited to announce that we had a baby girl on May 7, 2009 at 1:38 pm. I thought my water had broken the day before, so Kent and I went to the triage center at the hospital. After spending 6 hours there and getting home at 1 in the morning we came home very discouraged and tired. So we woke up the next morning with the same situation but I had my last Dr's appt. before my scheduled c-section on the 13th so I sent Kent to work for the day and told him that I would call if there was anything going on. I got to my Dr's appt and told them about what happened the night before and 10 minutes later I was driving myself over to the hospital while Kent was 45 minutes away at work. I got all checked in and begged for them to hold off until Kent came from work. This was not how I thought it was going to be. The hospital staff was concerned because my water had been broken for 26 hours. Around 30 minutes after Kent got to the hospital our little pink bundle was born. She is perfect and healthy. She weighed a tiny 5 lbs. 14 oz and was 19 inches long. She was a lot smaller than we thought. She has very blonde hair.

We named her Kaylynn Rae. She is a happy baby that just loves to be held. Her brothers adore her. They want to sit with her all the time. It's a rare sight to see David sit very long because he is very busy but lately he has been sitting a lot more and snuggling his little sister. I will always cherish those moments.

I came home from the hospital on Mother's Day. We celebrated with Kent's sister Tricia and her family. They had our boys for a few night while I was in the hospital. I am so thankful for great family and friends who took our boys for us during this hospital stay that came earlier than expected.

1 comment:

  1. She is beautiful! No NICU or anything! I was wondering about you but hate to bug expectant Moms as they are usually more expectant for news than you are!
